Jumat, 13 Januari 2012

coffee break anthem !

hey-hoo! come on let's go !
close that working window and let it go !
just sing a long keep follow the rhyme
and say out loud : "it's coffee break time !!"

bring that cup with shiny-swing spoon
scoop the ingredients from out of the blue
three for coffee, two for sugar
stir and hear when your cup were singing ~


don't fall asleep~ 
don't fall asleep~
strech your body up and down
up and down !
up and down !

back to the desk and faced the monitor
right click refresh and swing that blinky cursor

moved to the working sheet?
oh no, no, noo ~ !
let's open twitter, facebook, and  lovely blogger

please sit back and feel relax,
now you are ready to take a break

when the others ask "why you're not doing your job ?"
just sing a long keep follow the rhyme
look at their face and say out loud : 
"it's coffee break time !!"

:)  :)  :)

2 komentar:

#Followfriday : The Bakucakar

  Hola guys ! selamat hari Jumat ! Buat kalian-kalian yang dulu aktif di twitter circa 2009-2012 mungkin akrab dengan hashtag #Followfriday ...